Running has obvious health and fitness benefits, but more importantly, provides very powerful benefits of boosting self confidence and helping unleash one's potential by breaking self created barriers one by one.
Attaining your goal in a race, or even over the course of a few weeks of regular training, can get you to attain a high like no other. Often, when you see your progress over time, and just look back to see where you have come from, you get amazed, as well as excited by the fact that – whatever you want to achieve, is within your control. A personal stretch goal achieved, gives a high far greater than any business stretch goal achievement. You are in charge.
"With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable."
Sir Thomas Foxwell Buxton, British abolitionist

So what’s your reason for not running today? If you still have one, send us an e mail and let us be of help.

We would encourage you to run for a while to:
If you really do have any further questions and doubts on why you should run,
check out what Zandria writes in from Washington DC, on how fitness has changed her life

And it’s easy:
So what’s your reason for not running today? If you STILL have one, click on this and begin running tomorrow
Running is great for women, men and children of all ages. Start as a beginner runner today. Millions of people around the world benefit from including a bit of running into their lifestyle, so why not you.
Start Running And Living
We all spend a lot of time working on how to get our company to grow and be more profitable. We spend some time on our employees and subordinate’s plans, we spend a little less time on our own career and growth plans, and perhaps close to none on our own personal plans and health; until the performance at work is not in line with what you know you can do, or the doc tells us to, by which time, we are a little late. But it’s never too late to start a bit of running and begin enjoying life by feeling fitter, younger, refeshed and energised, as that is the true way to unleash your personal potential and see life open up.
Fauja Singh in the UK, ran his first marathon at the age of 89 since he was getting bored and did not want to be sent to an old folks home.
“My younger daughter when 6, ran her first 5k run. I have run several marathons and been inspired by many, including a one legged runner with prosthetics, at the starting line of the Rio marathon.
I have seen fat, thin, old, young…… all doing the same fun crazy old thing…… Running.”
Running makes living worthwhile – weight, cholestrol, blood sugar, sinus and more… all get managed with running. We get a bonus of a self confidence boost as we see ourselves progress most noticeably in stamina, and then, very quickly, it is more about how we feel and how we look! That’s a great promotion – focus on one thing and get another free!!! One of the motto’s that I live by now is – If you feel good, you look good!
The great thing is that ALL of us have run at some point in our lives – chasing a ball, running away from the den in game, running to catch a toddler from falling over his first steps……
Everywhere we see more and more people running rather than walking, whether it’s on the roads, or in parks and gardens. Some with a professional look – all kitted out, but most, with the basics. An attitude – doesn’t cost much.
So now that you are on this website, that’s dedicated to enabling you to unleash your potential, stop walking and start running. You owe it to yourself. Click here to see what running shoes your feet need. This is the most important bit of basic information you require. Very often, incorrect shoes lead to foot pain, which travels up to the ankles, then to the knees, then hips and then to the lower back.
The world over, millions more people every year are taking to running. More and more recent studies are showing that running is better than walking for good health. Others have started running and living. Have you?
What benefits have you experienced from running. Send us your story at :
If you would like to receive mailers on news, running events, and information on running, drop us email with your Name and City
So Get Fitter, Younger, Refreshed and Energised, to Unleash your Potential Or to cut a long story short Get FYRED UP! Start running and living today!!